TIGER NUT Botanical Name : cyprus esculentus Yoruba: imumu HEALTH BENEFITS OF TIGER NUTS Overview Tiger nuts are one of nature's super foods.They are high in fibre and carbohydrate. Highly nutritious and are believed to contain ingredients that can help prevent heart attack and improve blood circulation. tiger nuts have a decent amount of magnesium, iron, and zinc. They also have smaller amounts of a few other vitamins, but nothing to write home about. About half the calories contained in tiger nuts are from fat, with most of the rest from carbohydrates. Tiger nuts are most famous as a source of resistant starch. Resistant starch is a prebiotic fiber: it feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut. Resistant starch has gotten a lot of attention recently for its ability to specifically feed the species of bacteria that might protect against various diseases; Resistant starch is typically praised for all its good qualities, and it does have a lot of t...